Post by ironbark on Apr 27, 2015 23:56:49 GMT -5
The doctrine of apostolic succession is not taught in Scripture, neither is the one of infallibility for church leaders.
Christ gave Peter no such authority or to any successor of Peter. Other apostles with Peter constituted the church foundation (Eph. 2:19-22; Rev. 21:14). Other apostles with Peter constituted the church foundation (Eph. 2:19-22; Rev. 21:14). James had equal authority with Peter at Jerusalem (Gal. 2:1-10). It even appears that James was the main leader, or at least chairman of the general conference at Jerusalem (Acts 15:13-19). Peter was not infallible, for he was rebuked by Paul (Gal. 2:1-11). Peter calles himself a fellow-elder (1 Pet. 5:19). The power to bind and loose was not for Peter only, but for all the apostles (Luke 24:49; John 20:22-23; Acts 1:8; 2:43), in fact it is promised to every believer throughout this age (John 14:12; Mark 16:15:20). Peter was not the rock upon which Christ built the church. Christ was the true foundation (1 Cor. 3:11 and the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:19-22). Peter was merely one of many living stones, as he himself testified (1 Peter 2:5). He further taught that Christ is the "LIVING STONE" (1 Peter 2:1-8). It is clear in Scripture that the church at Rome was not started by Peter. It is also clear that no apostle had ever been to Rome before Pauls visit. The gospel was no doubt taken to Rome by Jews who were present at Pentecost (Acts 2:10). These converts remained in Jerusalem long enough to get sufficent training in Christian doctrin to start a church at Rome. The church was established there at an early period, for it became well known throughout the Roman Empire by the time Paul visited there (Romans 1:8). The church had been in communication with Paul, not Peter, wanting him to come there for many years (Rom. 15:23). It was Pauls policy not to build upon another mans foundation, and this he would violate if Peter were the resident bishop (Rom. 15:20-21; 2 Cor. 10:14-16). If any apostle had been there, the church would have been in a much better condition and would have recieved more benefits than were evidenced in Rom, (Rom. 1:11). If Peter were at Rome as the resident Bishop, Paul would not have felt his responsibility to go there (Rom. 1:10-15; 15:18-32). He would have been courteous enough to his superior to refer to Peter in his long letter when he sent greetings to many others in Rome (Rom. 16:1-27). In no Scripture is Peter recognized as the universal head of the church with headquarters in Rome. On the contrary, Jerusalem was the headquarters of Christendom untill it was destroyed in 70 A. D. (Acts 15; Gal. 2). Peter had no authority over Gentile churches (2 Cor. 11:28). He had no more authority over the Jewish churches than did James (Gal. 2:9). The difference between the ministries of Peter and Paul prove that the Roman church was maily Gentile and that Peter did not found the Gentile Church (Gal. 2: 8; Rom. 1:13; 10:1-3; 11:13-14). In none of his prison-epistles did Paul mentionPeter at Rome as the resident, universal head of the church, or as even being there in any capacity. This fact is more striking when Paul mentions many less noted workers of God as being there (Rom. 16; 1 Cor. 16:15-24; Col. 4:7-18).
Post by ironbark on Feb 7, 2016 16:34:57 GMT -5
No mortal man anywhere on Earth, in any country including Rome or even America, is or can be the leader of Christs Church. Jesus Christ is the Rock upon which the Christian church is built upon, not some man?
1 Corinthians 3:11, For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
(1 Corinthians 10:4: "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.").
Peter was just a "stone" (John 1:42 KJV: "...thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, "A stone."
Peter was never called by Jesus to lead or build His church, Peter himself stated that he was no more than a fellow elder; (1 Peter 5:1-9). The Pope is said to be infallible, or so were taught as children? Peter was not infallible for he was rebuked by Paul, (Galatians 2:1-11).
The New Testament Church is a called out body of people of all nations who have been born again and who have lived a true Christian life and died in the faith. It also includes all those who are alive today. This present church is the ekklesia of the New Testament times, called out of this world to evangelize the world in this age.
The church in its largest signification, is the whole company of redeemed in all ages, in Heaven and in Earth (Eph. 3: 1-11, Heb. 12:23). It is the spiritual people who have been made members of the universal family of God. It is the body of Christ and it does not consist of saved and unsaved. And no man is its head or commander in chief.
Post by ironbark on Feb 13, 2016 20:45:09 GMT -5
Supreme Pontiff and the Babylonian Cult. The historic relation of Babylon to the city of Rome and the Roman Church and why Romanism is called Babylon in mystery is, that the cities of Rome and Babylon were related and this was well known in earlier days. It is simple to trace the archives of history the relation of Babylon to Rome and to the Roman Church.
The ancient city of Babylon was built by Nimrod the mighty hunter (Gen. 10:8-10). It was the seat of the first great apostasy against God after the flood. Here the Babylonian Cult was invented by Nimrod and his queen Semiramis. It was a system claiming the highest wisdom and ability to reveal the most divine secrets. This cult was characterized by the word "Mystery" because of its system of mysteries. Beside confessing to the priests at admission, one was compelled to drink of "Mysterious Beverages," which, says Salvert (Des Sciences Occultes, Page 259) was indispensable on the part of those who sought initiation into these mysteries. The "Mysterious Beverages" were composed of wine, honey, water, and flour. They were always of an intoxicating nature, and until the aspirants had come under the influence of it and had their understanding dimmed they were not prepared for what they were to see and hear.
The method was to introduce privately, little by little, information under seal of secrecy and sanction of oath that would be impossible to reveal otherwise. This had been the policy of the Roman Church and the secret power of the priests over thelives of men whom they could expose to the world for their sins that have been confessed to them. Once admitted men were no longer Babylonians, Assyrains, or Egyptians, but were members of a mystical brotherhood, over whom was placed a Supreme Pontiff of High Priest who's word was final in all things in the lives of the brotherhood regardless of the country in which they lived.
The ostensible objects of worship were the Supreme Father, the Incarnate Female, or Queen of Heaven, and her son. The last two were really the only objects of worship as the Supreme Father was said not to interfere with mortal affairs. (Nimrod, Page 239). Thi system is believed to have come from fallen angle's and demons. The object of the cult was to rule the world by these dogman.
In the days of Nimrod this cult secured a deep hold on the whole human race for it was of one language and all were one people. Nimrod gained the title "mighty hunter" because of his success in building cities with walls to free men from the ravages of wild beasts which were multiplying against men. He was called "the Apostate" because he sought to free men from the idea of God and His wrath. As a great deliverer and protector of the people and as the head of the godless civilization at that time he would naturally have great influence upon the people. He led them astray to such an extent that they glorified in the fact that they were free from the faith of their fathers.
All tradition from the earliest times bears witness of this great apostasy, which finally reached such proportions that the people defied God to send another flood to destroy them and they built a tower to escape it. The result was that God confused their language and scattered them throughout the Earth. This Babylonian system was the one the Devil had planned to counteract the truth of God. From Babylon it spread to the ends of the Earth and we have record that Abraham was chosen of God from all these idolatrous nations to represent the true God. Through him God planned to bring man back to Himself. This explains how the different nations of the world have traditions and religions somewhat similar, with changes suitable to the individual nation.
After the nations were scattered abroad, Babylon continued to be the "seat of Satan" until it was taken by Xerxes in 487 B.C. The Babylonian priesthood was then forced to leave Babylon, so it moved to Pergamos, which was the headquarters fro some time. When Attalus, the Pontiff and King of Pergamos, died in 133 B.C. he bequeathed the head ship of the Babylonian priesthood to Rome. When the Etruscans came to Italy from Lydia (the region of Pergamos) they brought with them the Babylonian religion and rites. They set up a Pontiff who was the head of the priesthood and he had the power of life and death over them. Later, the Romans accepted this Pontiff as their civil ruler. Julius Caesar was made the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order, thereby becoming heir to the rights and titles of Attalus, who had Rome his heir by will.
Thus, the first Roman emperor became the head of the Babylonian priesthood and Rome became the successor of Babylon with Pergamos as the seat of this cult. Henceforth, Rome's religion has been that of Babylon. In the year 218 A. D. the Roman army in Syria, having rebelled against Macrinus, elected Elagabalus emperor. This man was High Priest of the Egyptian branch of Babylonianism, He was shortly afterward chosen Supreme Pontiff by the Romans, and thus the two western branches of the Babylonian apostasy centered in the Roman Emperors who continued to hold this office until 376 A. D. At that time however, the Emperor Gratian, for Christian reasons refused it, because he saw that by nature Babylonianism was idolatrous. Thus, religious mateers became disorganised until it became necessary to elect someone to fill the office.
Damasus, Bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was then elected to the office of Supreme pontiff. He had been bishop for twelve years, having been made such in 366 A.D. through the influence of the monks of Mount Carmel, a college of the Babylonian religion originally founded by the priests of Jezebel and continued to this day in connection with Rome. So in 378 A.D.., the Babylonian system of the religion became part of Christendom, for the bishop of Rome, who later became the supreme head of the organized church, was already Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. All the teachings of pagan Babylon and Rome were gradually interspersed into the Christian religious organization. Soon after Damasus was made Supreme Pontiff, the rites of Babylon began to come to the front. The worship of the Roman Church became Babylonish, and under him the heather temples were restored and beautified and the rituals established. Thus the corrupt religious system under the figure of a woman with a golden cup in her hand, making all nations drunk with her fornication, si called by God "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT."
The changes that transpired in the doctrines and practices of the Roman Church by this union did not come all at once. The Roman Church of today is purely a human institution, and her doctrines, which militate against God's Word, were never taught by Christ or the apostles. Various doctrines crept into the church centuries afterward. because of the union the Babylonian rites were easily introduced into, and made a part of the Roman Church, and the greatest influence in it became the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. The adherents of each religion would not compromise, so a union of the two was the outcome.
Post by ironbark on Feb 21, 2016 16:02:11 GMT -5
The latest alleged leader of God's Church now wants to do away with one of God's important perpetual covenant laws?
Its easy to see why this church is in error on many things. He seems to think he knows more than God Himself has revealed. The death penalty is God ordained.
The Old Testament law's have been done away with when they were fulfilled in Christ and after they had served their purpose. "I am come to fulfill the law . . . one jot or tittle shall no wise pass from the law, till all be fuliflled" (Matt. 5:17-18). "The law prophesied untill John" (Luke 16:16). "All things must be fulfilled which was spoken in the law of Moses" (Luke 24:44). "For the priesthood being changed, there is made necessity a change also of the law" (Heb. 7:12).
What about the death penalty for murder? Has this law been done away with, or was it instituted by God for "Perpetual generations," as an "Everlasting Covenant?"
Many followers of Jesus Christ ask themselves, Is the Death penalty lawful in this age? Do men have the right to change some Law's of God? And, Does God condone the Death Penalty.
If we are believers in the Bible, then we must believe that God instituted the death penalty. Here's why.
When God instituted human government by law after Noah's flood, He gave Noah certain laws by which to govern the human race, and man was then held responsible for self-government (Read Gen. 9:1-7).
There are six very important laws which God gave Noah and his decendants. These Laws were:
(1) "Be fruitful and multply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 9:1, 7).
(2) "Into thine hand are they [animals] delivered" (Gen. 9:2).
(3) "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have i given you all things" (Gen. 9:4).
(4) "The blood thereof shall ye not eat" (Gen. 9:4).
(5) "WHOSOEVER SHEDDETH MAN'S BLOOD, BY MAN SHALL HIS BLOOD BY SHED: for in the image of God made he him" (Gen. 9:5-6).
And last but not least;
(6) "I have established my covenant with you . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . FOR PERPETUAL GENERATIONS . . . the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the "EVERLASTING COVENANT" between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth" (Gen. 9:8-17).
These few laws have been the basis of all laws of God and man in every age since the flood of Noah.
It was at this time God constituted capital punishment, and God has never revoked this particular law, "Whosoever sheddeth man's blood, BY MAN shall HIS BLOOD BE SHED (Gen. 9:5-6)." This law will continue as an eternal law, and as is revealed in (Isiah 11:4-9; 65:20-25) it will be in force even during the Millennium.
That this law will be in force during the Millennium is plainly reaffirmed in (Rom. 13:1-6), in which the apostle Paul taught that even in this age of grace, law-enforcement officers are ordained of God, and that they are His ministers to bear "not the sword in vain" but that they are supposed to "execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."
It is totally necessary for human governments to punish criminals according to the crimes committed. Human governments are part of the moral government of God. That God has instituted human governments to help Him secure this end is not only clear in Gen. 9 and Rom. 13, but also in many other passages (Dan. 2:21; 4:17-25; 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:13-14).
All administrators of human government, when they rule contrary to the law of God will be punished in due time by God for mismanagement of their authority. God never sanctions selfish and wicked administration of authority, and if such continues long it will be overthrown. Men are under obligation to obey human government when, and as long as the requirements are not inconsistent with the moral law's of God.
Christians must always obey "every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the King, as supreem; or unto govenors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well. For such is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men" (1 Pet. 2:13-17).
Many Christians argue that it is sinful to partake in politics, that it is contrary to the Bible because human government is maintained by force, and that force is contrary with the spirit of the gospel. These are false theories. Human government was instituted by God as shown above, and Christians are commanded in the New Testament to pay taxes and otherwise support government (Read Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17).
Some argue the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" (Deut 5:17), prevents government from administering capital punishment. The commandment "Thou shalt not kill" means exactly what it says, that men shall not kill any other human being; but, if a man sheds another mans blood, in other words, if a man ignores Deut 5:17, and commits murder, then the everlasting covenant law, "whosoever sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed," comes into being.
This same principle applies to mobs, insurrections, rebellions, and all wars that endanger the best good of being and of the universe. It is the right of government and all of its subjects, to use every possible means to suppress all rebellion and wars, which are merely crime turned loose on a massive scale. That war is necessary under certain circumstances is clear from the fact that moral law permits it and God has commanded it. Earthly governments are God's ministers to execute law upon the ungodly and to preserve moral law and government for the good of all, and they are under obligation to make war, if this is the only way to preserve the best public good for all. We know that elfish and unjust war is wholesale murder and the administrators of such wars will be punished by God in due time.
God, in replenishing the human race after the flood of Noah instituted human government and capital punishment for serious crime involving murder. He has never changed this "everlasting covenant" and so, this is still God's will for men and human governments.
Living With Pain
Posts: 8,482
Post by fearnot on Mar 6, 2016 3:01:29 GMT -5
Excellent post